Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Can I Empty Out Yet
There was a lot of poking and prodding as the medical technicians put me through the paces for my physical. Never have I had so many tests in one day but I spread out the tests in order to get them all done today. What I thought was going to turn into an all-day event; laptop, journal and reading material in tow, I was in and out like the crack of a whip. These people were so efficient and professional making my visit that much more pleasant and short. No co-pay and a discount on my parking made me think out loud, God bless you President Barak Obama. Your fortitude in getting the health bill passed makes it easier for people like me to appreciate a top notch health system. I declare that all is well, except my bladder still is not empty. The strange dream with tubes running everywhere did not correspond to the reality of my appointment. It was all relatively simple. I'm glad it's done and now I can focus on resolving any issues that might arise from the test results. All is well and now I can empty out.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Purpose and Destiny
Often I’ve wondered about destiny and fulfilling purpose, you know the ideas that come across your mind when you think you’re not doing enough to make a difference. Deciding that it doesn’t take a lot is what led to my afore-posted blog, Things that Make Me Happy. Spending a few days in my hometown of Chicago allowed me to reflect on how my life is spiraling. Taking that round trip flight was cause enough for celebration; the aircraft took off and landed with no problems four times for its’ passengers. Having fun with the flight attendants who promised they would eBay my garment bag if I forgot it at the end of the trip caused a stir. At the end of the flight I told the young man “No eBay for you!” using a terrible Russian accent. While making myself comfortable in the window seat after stepping over a gentleman’s bag I was glad I didn’t kick his bag in anger. That consideration and giving him the airline peanuts I didn’t want got me the promise of a speaking engagement at my alma mater. He is an instructor there he told me. While in Chicago I did as planned and made space for the unplanned (mom had surgery the day I arrived). Although I wanted to attend church services with my sorority sisters I thought it would be wiser to accompany my younger sister to mom’s house to help make her comfortable. At 87 mom is way bossy and spoiled. I blame the siblings that remain in my hometown. But I love her both near and far. These reflections make me realize precious life. Now while finishing up my communications to Facebook friends I remember I have a few doctor’s appointments to schedule. Routine stuff to make sure I stay out of surgery. Ah h h h h life! I am grateful for you. In case you missed it; being a kind, considerate friend to you is my purpose and my destiny is to find you.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Things that Make Me Happy
A hot cup of coffee, a cold bottle of water, a full tank of gas, stockings with no runs, a good pair of flats, a warm winter coat, watching the sunlight stream through my bedroom window, toilet tissue, toiletries, a great haircut, my favorite lipstick, internet access, minutes on my cell phone, sunrise, sunset, a walk along the beach, a conciliatory conversation, family that loves me, friends who are dear to me, a fantastic sermon, inspirational music, freedom to live life to its fullest, ability to learn from my mistakes are some of things that make me happy. Not having everything one desires makes one appreciate the simplest things.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Ungluing from Reality TV
Here is what I think about most realty shows, most need to be replaced with some old fashioned television programming. Why are we watching people’s lives? The good, bad and ugly is there for the entire world to view. Why? Reality TV has ruined more relationships and lives than the Titanic. Why do we have to be party to peoples’ bad behavior? Why are we glued to the television night after night watching people do what we should or should not be doing for ourselves? I am of the opinion that Reality TV had a tremendous role to play in the snap decision of Kim Kardashian to marry so quickly a man she barely knew. And does the weight of this show sit on Kimberly's shoulders. Would people stop watching if she excused herself from the show? Makes for good footage those who follow this family might say. But in the end are we going to be there when the chips start to fall or when Ms. Kardashian begins to have back pains from sleeping with a man whose equipment is probably way too large for her to handle? There is more behind this woman’s decision to end her newlywed bliss. No matter how we may feel about Kim or her family, let’s step back and give her an opportunity to sort through things. After all she is a person too.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
This morning as I awakened I had such an awesome wave of love flowing from me to the Father. I had to tell Him how much I loved and appreciated Him. I was like a child gushing over a new found interest. When I stop to think about how truly magnificent my Father is and how much I love Him, I am comfortable knowing that He loves me more.
Monday, October 24, 2011
The Art of Customer Service is Dead
What is it about some restaurant workers that cause them to not understand that working with the public is a full time commitment? Why I got the rookie waitress at my favorite breakfast place this particular morning made me think about starting a customer service company. Other servers were busy scurrying around helping customers, looking at my table with a side eye, I imagined them silently saying I’m not your server. Mind you it was the weekend and everybody navigates to this restaurant on their days off work. My order was simple, to the point no frills or extras. I should have known something was up when I got the novice server who finally took my order after I had been seated for 15 minutes. She didn’t check to see if I needed water nor had silverware. Where are your manners young lady? I wanted to say this to her, but instead I held my tongue. I had already inquired about her whereabouts after the first ten minutes of being seated and I certainly didn’t want to incur the wrath of this waitress.
As I played with my cell phone to occupy myself until my breakfast arrived I thought about how I had always thought it rude for people to be preoccupied with their cell phones and not engaging with others around them. Since I was dining alone there was no one to talk to so I decided to learn the photo app on my new phone. When breakfast arrived it was dropped on the opposite side of my table not in front of me, still no silverware. I looked up to ask for a place setting and my drink but the waitress was on to another table. I think she should play the game Diner Dash. I had enough and politely asked for the manager. "Pack this up to go please I don’t know what’s going on with my server but this is ridiculous, how does she expect me to eat with no silverware and she just dropped the plate off and kept going." If I wanted to eat at a bufffeteria I would have gone there. Apologizing for the inconvenience the manager got the details and packed my breakfast to go. At the register he discounted my order. Hmmmm, I think free would have been better. I left there with breakfast and headed home wondering was it me or was it you?
This morning while trying to find the electric company that services my new area all I could think about was coffee; hot steaming, flavorful coffee. So I went out of my way to find my fav coffee shop and pulling into the drive through I looked at the picture and decided I wanted a nice creamy, frothy flavored drink. As the attendant leaned out of the window to take my money he handed me part of my order and went to get my coffee. My face dropped when I saw I had ordered a cold drink. "Oh h h h h, I sighed. I thought it was a hot drink." "No ma’am this one is cold. We can make it hot for you if you like." "No, I’ll just drink this one. It’s no problem we can make it hot. Just pull up and we’ll bring it to you. You can keep that one and sip on it while we make another for you." Bong-g-g–g –g! What a difference a chain makes. I drove off happy with my two coffees but not before tipping the guy for his friendliness and helpfulness. All is right with the breakfast world again.
As I played with my cell phone to occupy myself until my breakfast arrived I thought about how I had always thought it rude for people to be preoccupied with their cell phones and not engaging with others around them. Since I was dining alone there was no one to talk to so I decided to learn the photo app on my new phone. When breakfast arrived it was dropped on the opposite side of my table not in front of me, still no silverware. I looked up to ask for a place setting and my drink but the waitress was on to another table. I think she should play the game Diner Dash. I had enough and politely asked for the manager. "Pack this up to go please I don’t know what’s going on with my server but this is ridiculous, how does she expect me to eat with no silverware and she just dropped the plate off and kept going." If I wanted to eat at a bufffeteria I would have gone there. Apologizing for the inconvenience the manager got the details and packed my breakfast to go. At the register he discounted my order. Hmmmm, I think free would have been better. I left there with breakfast and headed home wondering was it me or was it you?
This morning while trying to find the electric company that services my new area all I could think about was coffee; hot steaming, flavorful coffee. So I went out of my way to find my fav coffee shop and pulling into the drive through I looked at the picture and decided I wanted a nice creamy, frothy flavored drink. As the attendant leaned out of the window to take my money he handed me part of my order and went to get my coffee. My face dropped when I saw I had ordered a cold drink. "Oh h h h h, I sighed. I thought it was a hot drink." "No ma’am this one is cold. We can make it hot for you if you like." "No, I’ll just drink this one. It’s no problem we can make it hot. Just pull up and we’ll bring it to you. You can keep that one and sip on it while we make another for you." Bong-g-g–g –g! What a difference a chain makes. I drove off happy with my two coffees but not before tipping the guy for his friendliness and helpfulness. All is right with the breakfast world again.
Friday, October 14, 2011
I’ve been thinking a lot about this thing called favor. While some say it is not fair, it is just. Favor does not just overtake you; sometimes it has to be earned. When those who have the ability to grant favor see you going about your daily walk in a consistent, honest and unassuming way they take note of that. One’s character plays an enormous role in how one is granted favor. Have you ever befriended someone and went about the business of being a true friend to that person? Innocently doing for people and asking nothing in return, it’s like God sees you and uses people to reward you. Although this is not the reason you do what you do, isn’t it serendipitous when you discover your new friend is a millionaire and they have been watching you to see if you are honest and true. Just something I’ve been thinking about. Be careful how you treat people, you may be playing host to angels.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
1999 Has Come and Gone But It's Still True
I consider myself to be a technologically savvy person, having just a few of the latest gadgets and toys makes my life simpler, fun and well connected to colleagues. After all we have become a global society dependent on these tools to enhance our business engagements and socialization. This week I was so happy to strut to the mall and make a few new electronic purchases. I upgraded my telephone and bought a navigation system to be shared with my husband. I really wanted an iPad and an iPod but decided the two purchases I had made were enough. When the clerk told me I could listen to music on my telephone I figured I was okay for now. My laptop is not broken so why incur these extra expenses? I absolutely adore staying connected and often talk to friends around the country via Facebook. But here is the thing I don’t get. Why is it that everywhere you turn there is a sea of cell phone, iPod, iPad users who are talking to their virtual friends rather than the friends standing or sitting right in front of them? When I migrated to the south the charm of the community was wholesome and refreshingly friendly. Walking on the opposite side of the street people would wave or say hello loud enough for you to hear them. What has happened to the old south? Are we becoming socially inept? Yes I think this generation of tweeters, facebookers, youtubers and myspacers are sinking into a virtual, make-believe world where only other avatars can reach them. Amazing! If we are not careful we will be a society of grunts and moans. Our greatest expressions will be represented by flying fingers and abbreviated words. We’ll be too busy trying to say it all via the written word or with cell phone snapshots. Oh, oh gotta run. The other avatars are knocking on my wall to see if I can come out and play.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Are You Ready for Your House Now
Today I am just very excited about a few answers to prayer. This morning when I awoke before my feet hit the ground I prayed, "Lord, today make something happen regarding housing for my family." It seems that we have been given the run around because the realtors perceive we are not quite ready to purchase. Each of the lovely homes we've previewed also have lovely price tags and we don't want to get in over our heads. Some of the realtors were very nice explaining what they could do to help us get into a home right now. Some just kind of dropped the ball, breaking appointments or not calling to reschedule. One explained that he had been in a three day leadership conference. Well didn't they teach you at the leadership conference that you should follow up with clients and let them know when you are not going to be available. Another had his assistant call and see if we were still interested in a particular home. DUH! The house went under contract yesterday. And had you kept your appointment with us we could have put a bid on the house or at least a lease purchase. Well anyway the object of this piece is to not slander the realtors but to praise God. He does work quickly. All of the folks we had been trying to reach were now calling with good news. Alrighty, we now have choices, good choices and the housing dilema will be over very soon. Now back to my novel my publisher awaits.
Get your hardcopy or eBook of Looking for the Promise at any of your on-line bookstores.
Get your hardcopy or eBook of Looking for the Promise at any of your on-line bookstores.
Monday, September 19, 2011
It's transition time and in order to make it a smooth one, I've enlisted the aid of several good housing professionals. What I can't seem to wrap my head around is the fact that so many of the realtors don't bother to follow up. Are they each chasing the proverbial great deal and don't have time to look at all of the inventory, including the homes that sellers want to hold on to until the market snaps back? I can't assume to know what is going on in the minds of these specialists but can I at least get one of them to understand my needs? My case is a little precarious, with the downturn in the country's economics and all of that, but nonetheless my family is ready to take a stake in a wonderful property. Is it too much to ask to have someone show us a great house that we can move into right away, like the one shown here? Geez!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Driving to and from my dentist's appointment today I actually had time to enjoy the ride. The back roads were unfamiliar, but quick. Truck stops, mega gas stations and railroad tracks lined the streets as I made my way to the northside of town. I took this alternate route at the suggestion of my google map application. Through the back streets I drove avoiding expressway traffic but catching a few short lights. Talk about the proverbial waking up to smell the coffee. The feeling enouraged me to breath deeply as I inhaled the beauty of the homes and the manicured yards. This was a neighborhood to share with my husband. We've been so frustrated just trying to find the right home at the right price. It was worth the out-of-the-way trip. Driving back through regular traffic before midday was as peaceful and I found myself thinking of absolutely nothing. Why is there not a thought in your head? I asked myself. Perhaps it was because the absence of the radio just allowed me to be at one with nature and God. One simple little song kept creeping up, no thoughts, just the song. I can't remember it now, but I do know it was an old Four Tops song. Hmmmmm! Something about saying goodbye.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Status Check
It's early morning here and although I have to be up and at it in a few hours I've decided to get in a few pages of rewrite before going back to sleep. You see I was asleep a few hours ago but the alarm signaling I was losing my charge kept chiming. My husband woke me to ask what was ringing. I was so groggy and tired from a full day of activities that I didn't understand a word he was saying. Finally I sat up and fished for my cell to turn it completely off. But what that did was fully awaken me. So the pages I promised to do before going to sleep had a chance to be finished. Now, I am writing with more purpose because I have been given a tremendous opportunity to join the ranks of published authors. My book Looking for the Promise was self-published. Without editor or readers to critique my work I forged ahead and began marketing the book. What I am enjoying most about the this process is the chance to tell more of the story of Marva Stewart Shepherd. And of course telling people that I am a writer. Now I'll be able to add, published novelist as soon as the ink drys on the contract.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Sequel, To Be or Not To Be
I've been working on my next novel and wonder why I succumbed to writing a sequel. A first novel is very easy because you can let the ideas and characters form as you go. With a sequel you have to remember the names, dates, places of all of the characters and sequences of the first novel. The research for new ideas is time consuming but necessary to make the story consistent. All in all I'm enjoying this new experience of making the pages come alive with visuals, dialogue and scenery. Ah! Gotta love a good writing experience.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
I’m sitting at the pool doing my Wednesday evening pool duty. I look through the windows of the adjacent fitness room at the television that is clearly showing the Family Guy adult cartoon. It reminds me of my youth and sharing a room with my older sister. We would lie across the bed and watch the silent movies shown on the TV at the next door neighbor’s house. Sometimes we would crawl up in the window space to get a better look. Our neighbor, who had only one child, was glad to share this time with us. Sometimes she would even come out into the gangway and toss us a Popsicle or ice cream bar so we could enjoy the program as her daughter. This went on for a few weeks unknown to our mom. The neighbor would come into her daughter’s room and make sure the curtains were pulled back far enough so we could see what show her daughter was watching.
We would giggle at the black and white images not knowing what was being said only that the movement of the characters was funny. The next day we would meet up with our friend and talk about the movie. We could imagine what was going on in the film. Once we giggled so loud that it brought our mom up the stairs and into our room to see what we were doing. Ah shucks. There goes our nighttime treat because we knew our mom was going to speak to the neighbor. Its simple things like that that make me appreciate a time in my childhood. Such are the memories of a writer.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
In The Company of My Sisters
I have recently fondly been called a Facebook addict and I may agree. There is something grand about social media that makes you become more actively involved in your world. So before I go further, please let me give a huge thank you to Facebook creator, Mark Zuckerberg. I don’t imagine he would have known all of the positive effects his invention would have on humanity. Introverts can through the magic pages of Facebook become extroverts. Loners interact a lot better when they do decide to leave the comfort of their computer screen. Now that I have sufficiently thanked Mr. Zuckerberg let me continue this discourse. Discovering a plethora of tools with which to enhance the work I have been called to do in this season, let me say that none of this would be possible without my personal, spiritual, familiar network of great people. Having come from a large family of mostly girls, I know how to interact with my “sisters” on many levels. I think that having sisters both natural and familiar is a blessing in itself. A very dear female preacher friend (sister in the Lord) lauded the benefits of aligning yourself with a network of sisters. Her message “In the Company of My Sisters” is one that I shall cherish because it helps me understand that you are my sister and that I should be able to count on you for nurturing, love, support and discipline. These characteristics that I look for in you will help me understand my life’s work. If you were thinking that you are an Island and that you are accomplished because of your own sweat and tears let’s just say that somewhere along the way to accomplishment there was a network of sisters and sister/friends that helped build and mold you. This year alone I have connected in an enhanced way, with five great sister networks; my natural sisters, my Christian sisters, (both local and national)
, and the same for my sorority sisters. Now while everything is rosy, I am able to be comfortable with these ladies whose only objective is to better one another. The plans, programs and principles of each worthy group help me understand that I am in the presence of a great company of sisters. As I reach toward the mark of the higher calling my plan is to take you with me.
, and the same for my sorority sisters. Now while everything is rosy, I am able to be comfortable with these ladies whose only objective is to better one another. The plans, programs and principles of each worthy group help me understand that I am in the presence of a great company of sisters. As I reach toward the mark of the higher calling my plan is to take you with me.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
One day while still serving as a classroom teacher, a child was withdrawn from my class. He had not been a very bright child but one that was growing as I took him under my wings as a special student. He had been placed in my class just a few weeks earlier specifically by the Resource Teacher. He had come from another school where he was in a developmental first grade. It was enough to be in a developmental stage but then to be demoted back to kindergarten could have been a blow to his little ego. I watched him and nurtured him as a mother kangaroo looks after her joey. I sheltered him from the cruel teasing of his classmates. Today, if I were to lead a workshop for new teachers, this sort of nurturing would be unheard of. Today’s instruction is monolithic. Its all about catering to the educational nucleus, the brain power. While the total child is left to put his own puzzle together it is the heartfelt nurturing of the insightful teacher that brings him toward destiny.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Patrice's Thoughts
Day 1 – Butterfly
It is unusually cool for a summer afternoon. Perhaps the winds of a storm have made it so. Sitting in the red, four door Ford, a car purchased from a second chance lot, she watches the high schoolers traipse across the parking lot of the outdoor mall. Waiting for time to pass before her tutoring session begins she watches these children who look like something from the 90210 television show. Many are children of privilege, as are the ones she will shortly tutor. Her mind is on nothing in particular, as she sits and watches the clouds roll up into grayish fists as if they are about to give the earth a liquid beating. Instead the clouds squeeze out balls of heavy air as it sweeps the parking lots and the streets. She pulls out her large blue journal and begins jotting down more thoughts. She has lots of unanswered questions and hopes that by simply studying them in the journal she will find the answers. Although the weather is threatening she lets the cool winds drift through her windows.
“What am I doing out here in the cold? Have I become so complacent that I've lost my drive, my focus and perseverance? Was my lack of ambition procrastination or was it from being in a stupefied state of shock?” She asks the very dangerous question, “Why am I here Lord”? She sighs as she looks out at the sky.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Oops! Did I Do That?
I have been working so hard on my next novel that I seemed to have lost my infringement mind somewhere. After working a whole night and day to get a beautiful post together for my fan page, it was finally ready. What a proud moment! Beautiful illustrations, beautiful pictures and a wonderful sound byte I uploaded from one of my CDs. Oops! Why didn't I check the status of the song to make sure it was available to the public for use? Well all of that work was not in vain because I simply deleted that music, added a voice over, a very lovely voice if I do say so myself, and a new non-infringed song. Voila it was done. And boy is it beautiful. Check it out on Facebook at Patrice Baylor Leigh. Thank you and goodnight.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
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Tuesday, April 19, 2011
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Doctor's Office
This season has been filled with doctor's visits to three different doctors. Missing appointments and leaving behind data has been my M.O. lately. Today I was determined to not miss my appointment so showered and dressed quickly to make my 8:15am appt. Once seated in the waiting room I pulled out a book to bide the time. After the fifth page of reading I gasped, hit my forward and immediately went to the receptionists desk to talk to the lady on duty. I had forgotten the disc of my recent MRI. Oh boy could they see me without it. Nope, we can reschedule you for another day. (That would have been at least an additional two week wait.) Perhaps you can come back later. That'll work I'll rush home get the disc and come back this morning. The drive home was quick. The drive back to the doctor's office not so quick. The flashing blue lights of the police car signaled everyone to slow down. In the middle of the expressway and tying up traffic was a mid-sized speed boat. I looked around for the carrier or at least a stunned driver who may have lost the load. No one in sight. Well, well, I guess we'll find that one up for auction if the owner doesn't return to claim his property and his ticket.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Kudos From A Reader
Tresa Prettypoodleswag Hester4:40pm Apr 16
Thursday, April 14, 2011
A wadded pack of tissues
stuffed inside your shirt
Just in case a tear should fall
They'll be right in place
A feeling inside
You just can't hide
Oh God, oh God you hurt.
Struggling to get out of there
To free yourself from pain
Each time you climb
They try to make you fall again
But like a butterfly in the wind
You'll surely soar my friend
Fly, fly way up high
Let the wind touch your shoulders
Let the sun light your face
Fly, fly way up high
Let the wind touch your shoulders
Let the sun light your face
You're just going through
a metamorphosis.
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