“Infinite Spirit open the way for the
Divine Design of my life to
manifest; let the genius within me now
be released; let me see clearly
the perfect plan.”
The Game of Life and
How to Play It - Florence Scovel Shinn
I was doing my
personal reading this afternoon when my sister in Chicago called at 3:40pm to
share a dream she had about me the previous night. Earlier that day I had
an impression of the word spoken over my life by a man of God, “You will have
multiple residences in various places.” This morning as I listened to the
Millionaire Mentorship broadcast, “Need X Faith = Motivation” by Organo Gold VP
of Sales and Marketing, Holton Buggs, I took note of the comments he made about
having abundance because it was not just for you. It is that people need to see
you having more; big houses, nice cars so they could dream for themselves.
(Paraphrasing) He remarked on how he and his wife had several nice cars, four
homes and the need for each. Of course I would say I was feeling pretty mellow
today, so when my sister called and said, “I dreamt you had a head full of
hair, were wearing a gray two piece suite and you and I were riding around in a
Rolls Royce”, my mind quickly went to the inspirations of the day. What a
mighty God we serve. Infinite Spirit you have shown the Divine Design for my
a footnote I will add that having suffered a great loss of hair this vision
with a head full simply meant healing. The two piece gray suit symbolic of a
"banker's gray", could put me as the banker; the lender not the
borrower. The Rolls Royce - self explanatory. Board Walk!