Monday, October 14, 2013

Getting Up from a Fall

It’s been a few years since I decided to do a women’s study for purposes of ministry. A challenge set me back from reaching this goal, but the subject has come up again and I need to finish what I’ve started. Reviewing my journal entries from that time my eyes locked on a passage I’d written about a stumble I’d had at the public library. On a Monday afternoon, September 19, 2011 with my arms and a bag loaded with books I tripped over a curb. Oh my gosh I’d had a terrible spill. My books flew everywhere and I was lying on the ground moaning for help. People started congregating to help. My concern was that all of the books were recovered and placed in my car. What the heck did I do? Professionals were on the way to aid me. All of this comes up because just recently, Friday, September 27, 2013 I was at the home of a young business associate helping her launch her business. The presentation was done, the guests were impressed to help the young lady by purchasing products and I’m walking out feeling good. She has my bag; I’m holding my purse and a few products and all of a sudden, BAM-face down in the asphalt parking lot. This time I opted out of a trip to emergency. I seemed to be okay. The ladies decided that one would drive me home in my car while the other followed. The parallel here with both falls is that as I went about trying to be a blessing to someone, I tripped and fell. I can’t even blame an enemy for this as it was my feet, my hands, my arms my thoughts that caused me to fall. But what do I learn from this. PAY ATTENTION! You will surely fall if you don’t.


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