Wednesday, February 19, 2014

After his workday was done, one day a man stopped at the neighborhood grocery store to purchase a few things for his family’s dinner. In the packages were the makings of a delightful dinner that his wife would make for them; a few potatoes, some carrots, a loaf of bread and a side of beef. He entered the kitchen and placed the bags on the counter in front of his wife. She smiled at him knowing that today had been a good day for him. He always brought home something special when he made extra wages. Digging around in the bags she pulled out the package of beef. That was a treat.

After laboring over the stove the wife presented the family with a yummy looking beef stew. As the family gathered at the table for the meal, he led them in grace and dug into the stew with his fork and knife. “Ugh. It’s a little tough.” The youngest child couldn’t manage to chew the tough meat and spit it back onto the plate.

The man pushed back from the table, and went to the hall closet to re-dress for the winter weather. All of the eyes at the table followed him except his little daughter who was right behind him mimicking his every move. Somebody had made her daddy angry and she wanted to see who had that kind of nerve. He didn’t notice her behind him until he climbed into the car. “Where are you going?”

It was too late to see her back into the house. He wanted to get back to the store before it closed for the night. With the bits of cooked beef wrapped in brown paper and lying on the seat next to him, he careened through the snowy streets back to the neighborhood store. Once inside the store his booming voice moved the other patrons away from the counter and the foreign store owner who was at the register. At the counter he slammed the package down and began to yell at him.

“This is horse meat. Why do you think you can come into the neighborhood and sell this crap? Man I ought to beat the crap out of you. Give me my money, NOW!” On-lookers listened as the two men exchanged fierce fighting words. The shopkeeper argued that he wasn’t selling horse meat and dared the man to prove it. Standing behind her dad, the little girl held onto his coat tail hoping he wouldn’t get into a fight. In the end the shopkeeper returned the belligerent dad’s money.

Back in the car with his child settled in her seat he let a tear roll down his face. “Don’t ever buy substandard food or goods from anybody. Don’t let anyone ever treat you like you don’t matter. We are Americans and deserve to be treated as such.”   

Fast forward to today and the bad chicken purchased from a reputable grocery store. All of the sights and sounds from that day years ago flashed before me. “Don’t ever buy substandard food or goods from anybody.” Perhaps the manager didn’t know about the bad product because, it was a mistake to place that frozen meat in the case. It needed to be brought to his attention in a non-confrontational manner. With a smile on my face and cheer in my voice I explained that perhaps the store could re-think selling that particular brand of chicken. How many others had been fooled by the frozen wing bits and never said a word. It would have been enough to return the meat and receive a refund, but the lesson in growing up was if you don’t speak up it will remain the same.  

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Outside of his beautiful R&B ballads, who knew that Tyrese Gibson was so inspirational? Sitting in this public place smiling with cell phone close to ear, listening to every word that is coming from this young man is amazing. There’s not a quiet place in this establishment where I can get my praise on.  His words are so powerful and transforming that the sender of the video had to be thanked. Have you ever come across a song, a video, a poem so incredible that you want to cherish it? You want to keep it to yourself because it speaks to you?  
Life brings many ups and downs and it’s really not that difficult to stay on the up. One can balance those feelings by listening to the plethora of positive, inspirational tapes and videos. Negative influences are squeezed out making you a happier, healthier person. God knows every time where to meet you. The strangest thing is an encouraging quote I’d heard some time ago but couldn’t remember it verbatim. It was spoken on a television program now in re-runs.
Sometimes you just have to let people and things go. Trying to correct the mistakes or make amends only satisfies the ego of the presumed victim. You are not going to love or appreciate everyone equally and that is your prerogative. The television program where I’d first heard the quote in mention was being played the very next day. I grabbed my pen and paper and got ready to jot down that quote. That word was fire and life. “The best way would be to avoid each other without appearing to do so -- or if we jostle, at any rate not to bite.” Lord Byron, letter of April 25, 1814

Monday, February 3, 2014

Thoughtful words during a time of recovery; spiritual and physical can bring one to a great realization, that there is hope beyond the problems and turmoil of life. So thinking this morning about the packet of inspirational short stories awaiting publishing has caused this writer to return to that first love. The greatest gift given to man is that of communication. Words are life or death. It doesn’t matter that the words are enveloped in a pretty package. What is important is that the words are read. It’s amazing to watch the transforming power of uplifting words change lives. Every now and then a capable, great orator comes along bringing with him the ability to move the masses toward good.  

Social media as playful as it can be is one such tool that steps up the inherent ability of man to communicate good thoughts to one another.  On one such page the post of an old friend lauded the benefits of leaving the past to move on to a new future. On another page there was a picture of a friend who used an inspirational song to bring back to life a suicidal classmate. He is now following his passion for gospel music.  

This week there are a few things that have to get done; stop eating so many sweets and watching too much television. Finish the editing and packaging of this next book is a promise made to a novelist friend. In a world where so much hurt and hatred keep us from the love of God, a kind word, a gentle gaze helps the hurting soul. As a tribute to Black History Month – “Fabulous, A Life Worth Living” is the assignment that this writer will complete.  

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Friday, January 10, 2014

This is Too Funny

I'm not sure where this orginated, but it was too funny to pass up. Sent to me via email by a friend.

Church Ladies With Typewriters

Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person you want remembered..

The church will host an evening of fine dining, super entertainment and gracious hostility.

Pot-luck supper Sunday at 5:00 PM - prayer and medication to follow.

The ladies of the Church have cast off clothing of every kind. They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon.

This evening at 7 PM there will be a hymn singing in the park across from the Church. Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin.

The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the Congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday.

Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 PM . Please use the back door.

The eighth-graders will be presenting Shakespeare's Hamlet in the Church basement Friday at 7 PM .. The congregation is invited to attend this tragedy.

Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use large double door at the side entrance.

And this one just about sums them all up

The Associate Minister unveiled the church's new campaign slogan last Sunday:

'I Upped My Pledge - Up Yours.'