Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Who's on the Other Side

Who’s on the other side? I asked that question as I finished breakfast. Mother has been very ill and pining for her children. It’s like a last effort to see us all saved. She wants to keep us all near. Often I tell her you can’t save us, that’s up to the Lord. You have prayed and laid the foundation now let Him do the rest of the work. This illness has debilitated her thinking and motor movements. The possibility that she won’t make it through the year is strong. I get misty thinking about that bulwark who on many occasions had to correct my wrong doing, and at times still won’t let me forget.  While mother continues to give last instructions I ask her quietly if she is ready to go. It seems that she is preparing herself to meet the loved ones who are on the other side with Jesus. What a joyous celebration when she meets up with them. But yet, her sorrow for the unsaved ones won’t be depleted while she remains on this side. The melody of my sister Regina’s song lingers as I wish I could remember the lyrics; “It’s Going to be Alright”.