Saturday, July 14, 2012

Thoughts at 5:25AM

We are living in perilous times. Men have become lovers of themselves more than of God. It is easy to see as we look about the world in which we live. The selfishness prevails as those who feel they are in authority vigorously exert their will over others. It is sickening and causes this writer to wonder what in the world is going on? Fathers are against sons and daughters against mothers. But what we overlook is that it is not always the natural fathers that overlook their natural sons. It is the man in the street who boasts of a disdain for the young brothers who seem to not have it together. The matriarchs that shake their heads at young women who have not adequately developed their sense of style. These elders would just as soon turn up their nose at a young man who passes them wearing the street gear of the day. Can you sir, look past the exterior of the young man's attempt at self expression and say hello. Have we become so afraid of one another that it is difficult to look our brother in the eye and affirm him.

Many fatherless men don't have a clue as to what manhood looks like. They turn to the fictionalized examples of manhood displayed in media. These young men see the absence of the father not only in their home but in the community as well. These communities being overrun with women and their children causes the onlooker to see a type of community that screams out dysfunction.

Out of necessity woman has become the wherewithal for wayward souls who have lost out on a heritage deplete of nurture and concern. The toll this seemingly takes on some women is more than they can bear and a trend towards aggression and duality of purpose sets in.

The innocence of little boys is reflected in their voice when they eagerly say, “I don't have a daddy, but when I grow up I'm going to be a daddy.” As heartbreaking as this seems something within this child lets us feel that he must be protected at all costs, in order to become that daddy that will not leave his child.

On my reading list this summer is a book by author Pat Tucker, Daddy by Default. Although Ms. Tucker's title suggests that sometimes some men are trapped in caring for a child they actually didn't father. It is also this writer's hope that within these pages discovery of the secret behind the dilemma of too many fatherless children will be revealed.

The question becomes how does a nation re-adjust itself to one of purpose and responsibility for our youth? Will the true patriarchs stand up and take your stance to integrate the fatherless into the villages that produce good and upstanding young citizens . Let it begin with a handshake and an affirmation that all men can be great.

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