Wednesday, August 10, 2011

One day while still serving as a classroom teacher, a child was withdrawn from my class. He had not been a very bright child but one that was growing as I took him under my wings as a special student. He had been placed in my class just a few weeks earlier specifically by the Resource Teacher. He had come from another school where he was in a developmental first grade. It was enough to be in a developmental stage but then to be demoted back to kindergarten could have been a blow to his little ego. I watched him and nurtured him as a mother kangaroo looks after her joey. I sheltered him from the cruel teasing of his classmates. Today, if I were to lead a workshop for new teachers, this sort of nurturing would be unheard of. Today’s instruction is monolithic. Its all about catering to the educational nucleus, the brain power. While the total child is left to put his own puzzle together it is the heartfelt nurturing of the insightful teacher that brings him toward destiny.

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