Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Driving to and from my dentist's appointment today I actually had time to enjoy the ride. The back roads were unfamiliar, but quick. Truck stops, mega gas stations and railroad tracks lined the streets as I made my way to the northside of town. I took this alternate route at the suggestion of my google map application. Through the back streets I drove avoiding expressway traffic but catching a few short lights. Talk about the proverbial waking up to smell the coffee. The feeling enouraged me to breath deeply as I inhaled the beauty of the homes and the manicured yards. This was a neighborhood to share with my husband. We've been so frustrated just trying to find the right home at the right price. It was worth the out-of-the-way trip. Driving back through regular traffic before midday was as peaceful and I found myself thinking of absolutely nothing. Why is there not a thought in your head? I asked myself. Perhaps it was because the absence of the radio just allowed me to be at one with nature and God. One simple little song kept creeping up, no thoughts, just the song. I can't remember it now, but I do know it was an old Four Tops song. Hmmmmm! Something about saying goodbye.

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