Friday, November 4, 2011

Ungluing from Reality TV

Here is what I think about most realty shows, most need to be replaced with some old fashioned television programming. Why are we watching people’s lives? The good, bad and ugly is there for the entire world to view. Why? Reality TV has ruined more relationships and lives than the Titanic. Why do we have to be party to peoples’ bad behavior? Why are we glued to the television night after night watching people do what we should or should not be doing for ourselves? I am of the opinion that Reality TV had a tremendous role to play in the snap decision of Kim Kardashian to marry so quickly a man she barely knew. And does the weight of this show sit on Kimberly's shoulders. Would people stop watching if she excused herself from the show? Makes for good footage those who follow this family might say. But in the end are we going to be there when the chips start to fall or when Ms. Kardashian begins to have back pains from sleeping with a man whose equipment is probably way too large for her to handle? There is more behind this woman’s decision to end her newlywed bliss. No matter how we may feel about Kim or her family, let’s step back and give her an opportunity to sort through things. After all she is a person too.

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